RIPE NCC announced his 83rd meeting – RIPE 83; Cloudflare entries into email security. Nigerian President plans to lift a ban on Twitter – read more in our newsletter.

  1. RIPE announced the next semi-annual meeting: RIPE-83. The upcoming meeting is virtual and takes place from 22 to 26 November. The registration is free of charge and available here. The general meeting (GM) is scheduled 24 November 2021.

2. Cloudflare announced their entering into email security. The company is aimed to help users by giving them more control. Users will be able to manage incoming email routing and prevent scamming and spoofing on outgoing emails free of charge.

3. Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said he would lift a ban on Twitter for business and posiitive engagement, published Bloomberg. The ban continues 4 months.

4. ICANN 72 prep week begins 12 October. The registration is available here.

5. One more event starts very soon: VMworld 2021 by VMware. It’s a 2 days online conference during which 800 reports will be presented. Register here

6. IPv6’s spreading the world. On 30 September GitHub announced they’d enabled IPv6 support for GitHub pages.

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