The IPv4 market continued its evolving trend between March and April 2024, with slight price fluctuations observed across all three regions, especially in the smaller subnet categories.

RIPE NCC: Prices in the /24-/22 range in RIPE experienced an uptick, increasing from 30 to 31 EUR per IP-address in April. Meanwhile, /21-/20, /19-/18, and /17 ranges stayed stable.

APNIC: In APNIC, the /24-/22 range stayed flat at 25, but the /21-/20 subnet experienced a drop from 27 to 24 EUR/IP, indicating a significant shift in demand. The /19-/18 range remained steady at 32 EUR per IPv4 address.

ARIN: The ARIN market remained consistent, with /24-/22 staying at 28 and /21-/20 at 30 EUR/IP.

In conclusion, the RIPE NCC region saw slight price growth, particularly in the smaller subnet category, while APNIC experienced a notable price dip in the /21-/20 range.

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