As we analyze average IPv4 price movements from February to March 2024, the market dynamics reveal subtle shifts across regions, with some subnets experiencing stability while others fluctuated.

RIPE NCC: The average price in the /24-/22 IPv4 subnet size range remained constant at 30 EUR/IP. However, a minor change in the /21-/20 range, where prices dropped from 31 to 30 EUR per IPv4 address, suggests market stabilization in this region.

APNIC: APNIC saw a reduction in the /24-/22 subnet average price from 27 to 25 EUR/IP, signaling a potential dip in demand. However, the /21-/20 and /19-/18 subnet prices stayed flat at 27 and 32 EUR per IPv4, respectively.

ARIN: In ARIN, the /24-/22 range decreased from 29 to 28 EUR/IP, reflecting some minor market corrections. The larger subnets such as /21-/20 remained steady at 30 EUR/IP.

Overall, March 2024 witnessed minor downward adjustments across the smaller subnet ranges in both APNIC and ARIN, while RIPE NCC stayed largely stable.

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