RIPE 88, held in Krakow from May 20-24, 2024, marked another milestone in the biannual series of meetings organized by the RIPE community. This conference, a key event for the global internet community, gathered network operators, researchers, and policymakers to delve into the latest advancements in internet technology and governance.

The Voldeta team was well-represented at this year’s RIPE and General meeting, with Anastasia Kleiman, Giulia Potikha, and Nikita Kondratyev in attendance.

Key Highlights from RIPE 88

Charging Scheme Voting Options and RIPE Community Response:
One of the most debated topics at RIPE 88 was the proposed changes to the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme for 2025. The RIPE community expressed significant resistance to the fee increases outlined in the three final models presented for voting.

  • Model A proposed a 22.58% increase in LIR (Local Internet Registry) fees, projecting total revenue of EUR 41.1 million.
  • Model B suggested a 20.97% increase in LIR fees and a 50% increase in fees for Independent Internet Number Resources.
  • Model C included a 16.13% increase in LIR fees, a 50% rise in fees for Independent Internet Number Resources, and introduced a new fee for ASN (Autonomous System Number) assignments.

All proposed models maintained the “one LIR, one fee” principle. In response to the fee increases, a RIPE member submitted a proposal to retain the current charging scheme, which received support from 711 members, including Voldeta. Although the RIPE Board acknowledged this feedback, they chose to proceed with the voting options as planned. They have committed to forming a team to review the charging scheme and explore alternative options for the future.

Ultimately, Model C was adopted. Starting in 2025, the updated RIPE Charging Scheme will include:

  • Annual Fee: EUR 1,800 per LIR account, plus EUR 75 per independent Internet number resource assignment and EUR 50 per ASN assignment.
  • Sign-up Fee: EUR 1,000.

RIPE 88 in Krakow served as a key event for the global internet community, facilitating important discussions and decisions about the future of internet technology and governance. The conference provided a platform for addressing both advancements and challenges within the field.

The discussions on the proposed changes to the RIPE NCC Charging Scheme were a major focus, highlighting the community’s involvement in shaping the financial structure of RIPE services. Despite strong opposition and alternative proposals, Model C was selected, leading to updates in the fee structure starting in 2025.

The Voldeta team, including Anastasia Kleiman, Giulia Potikha, and Nikita Kondratyev, played an active role in the conference, demonstrating our commitment to internet infrastructure and policy. Our participation in RIPE 88 reinforces our dedication to staying informed and engaged with industry developments.

Looking ahead, the insights gained from RIPE 88 will guide our future efforts and contributions. We anticipate continued collaboration and progress in the field of internet technology.

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