Buy /21 APNIC IPv4 Subnet – 29 EUR/IP


Subnet Type: Allocated Portable
Region of Registration: Asia
Payment Currency: USD (Prices shown in EUR are approximate)
VAT: Not included
Escrow Fee: Paid by Buyer
Inter-RIR transfer: Yes. RIRs:  RIPE, ARIN.



Buy a cheap Asian /21 APNIC IPv4 subnet, available for permanent transfer within the APNIC service region and to other RIRs, and unlock seamless connectivity with robust networking capabilities. This allocated portable network provides 2048 IPv4 addresses, making it an ideal choice for businesses seeking reliable and scalable network solutions.

Product Overview:

Subnet Type: Allocated Portable
Region of Registration: Asia
Payment Currency: USD (Prices shown in EUR are approximate)
VAT: Not included
Escrow Fee: Paid by Buyer
Inter-RIR transfer: Yes. RIRs:  RIPE, ARIN.

Key Features

  • Permanent Transfer: Secure long-term ownership of your /21 subnet, ensuring consistent and uninterrupted network performance.
  • Inter-RIR transfer: Perfect for organizations operating within more expensive regions such as APNIC, RIPE and ARIN, offering a lower price rate and maximizing cost efficiency.
  • Cost-Effective solution:  APNIC subnets offer exceptional cost savings compared to other RIRs. This advantage is due to specific RIR policies and the longer transfer completion time.

Why Choose Our /21 APNIC IPv4 Subnet?

  1. Extensive Experience in Inter-RIR Transfers from different NIRs: Benefit from our vast experience in managing Inter-RIR transfers, ensuring a seamless and efficient transfer process.
  2. Comprehensive SBL Report: Receive a detailed Spamhaus Block List (SBL) report for each IP address before purchase, providing full transparency and confidence in the quality and reputation of the subnet.
  3. Secure Purchase via  Enjoy a secure and smooth transaction process through, offering peace of mind and protection for both parties involved in the transfer.