Please find below a useful information about IPv4 and IPv4 market service and fees.

We regularly update the information on IPv4 RIR transfer restrictions, IPv4 market services, F.A.Q. and instructions on IPv4 transfers.

What’s the current IPv4 sales price? When IPv4 run-out is expected? Do you have the right to sell IPv4 addresses? How much do I have to pay for the IPv4 market service? These and other questions have been answered.

We’ve published the most frequently asked questions.

IPv4 CIDR Blocks size
IPv4 CIDR Blocks size

Don’t know how many IPv4 subnets in a /24 or what’s the subnet size is for 1024 ipv4 addresses?

Check out our IPv4-calculator guide

Don’t know, how to initiate an IPv4 transfer via RIPE LIR-portal?

Read our instructions here

Open an IPv4 transfer ticket via ARIN portal using the following instruction