Voldeta attended it-sa Expo & Congress 2024, Europe’s leading trade fair for IT security, held from October 22 to 24 in Nuremberg. The event underscored once again that cybersecurity is now far more than just a “nice-to-have.” Often, companies only realize the importance of a proactive approach to protecting sensitive IT infrastructures after facing an attack.
The expo provided valuable insights into the ongoing development of IT security approaches, particularly in cloud protection, network security, and identity management.
📧 Phishing and email spam were also key topics—stealthy risks that often infiltrate companies through daily email traffic.
For our IPv4 leasing business, managing the spam risk from subnet owners is essential.
Blacklisting? Spam delisting? For us, prevention begins at the contract stage: rather than prioritizing volume, we adhere to the “Know Your Customer” principle. Each partnership is carefully vetted to ensure a secure and trustworthy IP market.
We’re excited about emerging trends and look forward to new tools and methods that will shape the future of cybersecurity.